Reasons Why You Should Hire a Content Writer

updated on 02 July 2024

Content writers are like artists. And like any artist, there are a lot of things to think about. How should you write? It will depend on what is the purpose of the content. Think about your audience. Is it for marketing? Is it mainly for articles or for a website? As a writer, these thoughts need to come into mind before you start.

It is their responsibility to use the written word to disseminate knowledge about a client's goods, resources, or sector. Along with completing writing projects, creating document outlines, and revising material in response to customer edit requests, their responsibilities also cover reviewing their work for tone, style, clarity, language, and formatting.

It requires attention to detail and a fast thought process. If you are not adept at writing but need the expertise to boost your online marketing and gain customers/clients. No need to worry. Just read through our piece. You will find a freelance content writer and hire one in no time.

Reasons why hire Content writers from OBI Services

Why Team Up with Content Writers?

Collaborating with content writers is the smartest decision you can make. They will help you project the information you want to convey. You just need to provide the keywords and they will do the rest.

When you work with an experienced and professional freelance writer, they will be able to bring your ideas to life. They are good at writing persuasive copy in terms of attracting attention. Prompts readers/clients to click on links and read more. Your website will receive many valuable visitors who may become clients.

There is a lot of agency to choose from. The best ones will provide you with a team of people who can handle all the tasks related to content creation, including research, editing, proofreading, writing, formatting, and other activities.

If you want to create an amazing composition for your website, you’ll need to ensure that you get the right people to help you do it. There are a lot of reasons why you should collaborate with them. Here we have listed some of them.

You are Short on Time

Time is of the essence. When you have so many things to do, your hands are bound to be tied up. Especially when it comes to writing. There is a lot to consider what concept you will use. What do you want to tell your audience? You need to do some fact-finding for the credibility and quality of your content. It takes time to come up with a piece and how to present it to your audience. It can even take a week or more. I understand you don't want to be stuck just writing when you have other things to do. But still, need the piece for your enterprise. That is why collaborating with a content writer is a must.

Content Writing Is More Than Writing

Content creation goes beyond just writing. It incorporates a story. It incorporates a voice. It encompasses the message, the message being conveyed to your audience. As a content writer, you’re expected to write not just about the piece but also the emotion behind the content. This means that you need to think like your audience and write in a manner they would understand. Where readers can relate on a personal level. At the same time engage their minds. And if you’re new to content writing, you should know that it’s much more than just copywriting.

Promote Your Company Brand and Boost Brand Value

One of the crucial roles of content. It allows you to connect with potential customers. When you write a post about something that interests them, they may share it with their friends or even subscribe to your newsletter. It can promote your trademark and increases its value. From the way, your trademark is expressed through writing. It convinces your audience that this merchandise is worth having.

Market Your Industry Online 

Content marketing is a great strategy to use if you want to boost the number of visitors to your website. For your audience, you must produce excellent, practical, fascinating, and pertinent content. The likes of blog entries, articles, webinars, podcasts, videos, etc. can all be used for this.

Improves Social Media Marketing Results

By posting helpful information, you’re increasing the likelihood of your site being widely spread on social media. Where a great number of potential customers are. Presently, practically everyone spends more time online on social media than anywhere else.

A Good Content Writer Brings a New Perspective

A talented content creator offers fresh insight. Meaning unique ideas that will pique the interest of your readers, including possible customers. A quality content that doesn't feel copy pasted from other blogs, articles, and stories. A content that you can proudly say that's yours.

Tips for Finding a Freelance Content Writers

Tips for hiring a Freelance Content Writers

You need to form a structured interview to hire the best freelancer.

  •   When hiring a content writer, ask questions - To determine whether the content writers you hire are knowledgeable and a suitable fit for your industry, you should ask them a few questions. Inquire about their strategy for SEO optimization. How do they conduct their research before creating a blog post or article? What is their turnaround time for the work?  
  • Ask for content writing samples - Asking for samples is reasonable. You would like to make sure that the way the freelancer makes their content coincides with your standpoint.  Having the same wavelength as your freelance writer makes it easier to project your ideas. You don't have to give more descriptions and complicate matters. A content sample also helps you make an interview questionnaire so you can better gauge their skills and knowledge.
  • Know what type of content you want - Before you start hiring freelancers. You must first consider the kind of content you wish. This includes blogs, articles, web posts, etc. In this way, you have a clearer picture of what you're looking for in a freelance writer.
  • Research the best content writers - Of course, you need to do your part by researching the best freelance writers. Check their projects. Make some comparisons to pick the right freelancer for you.
Probes for Hiring an SEO Content Writer

SEO Content Writer FAQ:

What is SEO? SEO means Search Engine Optimization. It is the practice used to improve a website's technical setup, information relevance, and link popularity so that its pages are easily found, connected to users' web searches, and popular with other users.

What makes an SEO content writer in demand? First of all, SEO writers must be able to write unique, worthy substance for your website. You want to have high-quality content on your site that is relevant to your niche. An SEO writer is a freelance writer that helps your blog, article, and webpage rank in the Google search engine. This helps your online marketing. Assist you in reaching your target clients online with just one post.

Does my business need SEO?

You need to ask yourself. Do you need an SEO Content Writer? Without a doubt, yes! Every industry needs to have an SEO content writer. There are many benefits to using content marketing. For example, it increases your enterprise' visibility, which leads to more traffic. And, if you create quality content, then you’ll get links back to your site. This can help improve your SEO ranking.

How SEO Affects Your Website/Business

When you use an SEO expert for your site's optimization, the content you post on your blog helps increase its ranking in search engines like Google. This affects your site and enterprise greatly by improving your bounce rate and reducing your average session duration so that you'll have a higher conversion rate. A qualified SEO specialist will know how to optimize your content for better results.

Enterprise-wise, more chances for customers to contact you to inquire about your enterprise or product. Or even someone wanting to do a partnership with you.

What are the factors to consider in writing content?

There are several factors to take into account when making content. You need to take into consideration what keywords to use, the theme, and the structure of your content. Lastly, its originality.

You need to take note of its value to readers. What do they gain by reading your content? Use a format that is simple to read so that customers won't be having a hard time understanding what your trying to voice out. At the same time compel the readers to act. And don't forget to re-review your grammar and spelling.

Is it Costly to Hire a Content Writer?

The cost to hire a content writer may differ. It comes down to their experience, skills, and market conditions. Or it is based on the terms agreed upon. Payment methods also vary. There are those for hourly rates. Depending on the length of the piece you wanted to make.

If you prefer a well-known writer with notable skill and knowledge. Then it could be pricey. But if you choose a freelance writer who is still establishing their clientele may charge lower rates. Whichever you decide now depends on your needs.

Benefits of hiring a content writer from OBI Services

Why Should You Hire OBI Services Content Writers?

The business world is rapidly evolving. And you must adjust if you want to succeed in the market today. This also entails adjusting to new technology. One of the most important things you can do is to create compelling compositions. You need to ensure that your content will be effective and impactful to reach clients.

Well, one way to ensure that you’re creating the right kind of content is by hiring OBI Services' Content Writers. Who's an expert in how the website works. Our writers understand the latest trends, they know which platforms are the most popular, and they know exactly where to find people who will share their information. You don't have to do those tiring interviews because we got your back.

Our approach as a content writer

Our writers are not only good for topic creation but are also SEO trained. They take note of each detail of your ideas and the outcome you want. They will research to make sure your content is up to date and relevant. They will provide pieces that will capture the hearts of your audience.

They make well-written SEO articles and original topics. A keyword is then incorporated for your website to rank quickly. This is very useful if you have just started your enterprise to get your site on the internet map. Our writers will also be able to make SEO articles for your site that are optimized for search engines.

Take advantage of it and boost your rank in the google search engine.

Get in touch with us now for more details!


Content writers are very important to an enterprise. Their writings are a new way to help you seize viewers without consuming most of your time creating your topics. Freelancers will be the ones in charge of everything else besides you giving the idea of what to convey to the audience. Being SEO experts is required from them to help you with search intent on Google.

With their assistance, they are able to promote your enterprise's trademark through the web and even on social media. Advice on how to get a writer also helps you pick the right person. You can use their samples to know if they are the ones for the job.


Content writers are in the now. Writing content is not only for entertainment purposes anymore but a tool for marketing enterprises and products on the Internet. Have viewers engaged to get more click-through-rate on the site. An SEO freelance writer is now a requirement because they know how information is processed on the internet to voice out your enterprise and reach out to your target clients.

  This is why OBI Services is the right pick for you. We are trained to bring authenticity to your topics. Add value to viewers. We also have a lot to take into account for. This includes Keyword Frequency, Keyword-optimized, Title tags, Meta Descriptions and Subheadings. It might all be complicated to you but the results will speak for themselves. 

If you want to rank higher on Google search results, We give first-rate quality content. This will help you build your reputation and trademark. People who come to your site know exactly what they will find there. Our writers will help you in your marketing strategy. Using their writing skills. They will write a blog on your page to help readers know about your product.

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