WRIGHT Writer: 5 Easy Steps in Content Writing for SEO Marketing

updated on 21 June 2024

The process of producing and editing web content. Which is typical for digital marketing purposes, and is known as content writing. This consists of blog posts and videos. It also includes scripts for videos or podcasts. Ebooks or whitepapers, press releases, landing pages or social media copy, and other materials that Google can detect. According to a study, 90% of marketers now actively invest in content marketing. This only goes to show that content creation is gradually becoming an important component of marketing strategies.  

As a result, it is not surprising that the position of a content writer is more in demand than ever before. However, keep in mind that the role of the content writer varies depending on your company's needs. As well as the industry in which it operates. For example, your company may need to search and write for a social media promotion, whereas another may require blog posts. Regardless of what article of output your company may need, the role of a content writer is critical. As it represents and amplifies your brand's voice on social media pages and Google results. While also attracting, engaging, and delighting the appropriate users.

Understanding SEO Writing in Marketing

  Even in the content writing industry, the impact of technology is palpable. Content writing has progressed in time. From traditional print advertisements which can be accessed through physical pages of newspapers or magazines. Up to the digital era where it is readily available on Google pages. With the introduction of search engine optimization and digital marketing. It has become much more powerful as technology has made it much easier to reach your target audience.

Consistently producing high-quality material is an invaluable tool. For connecting franchises with their users. Additionally, promotional pieces increase the number of user engagement. Whether on social and Google pages it helps in patron retention. If your piece is properly optimized using the right keywords. It will potentially rank up in the Google search results. Encouraging your users to participate in your franchise. While also providing useful information will keep them returning to your page or firm for more. That is why it is frequently referred to as content marketing.

Content marketing is an excellent way to increase brand loyalty. While also selling products and expertise just by clicking on your online pieces. This is accomplished by creating and disseminating information to a huge number of users. That is relevant and useful to the target audience. This promotion strategy heavily relies on various promotional materials. Blog posts, articles, infographics, and video material are all examples of this.

All of this is done to establish the firm's voice and establish the franchise's authority. People will trust the franchise and choose it when they require its products, services, or expertise as a result of this. Regardless of whether it is used to attract prospective viewers. A good material should be well-written, well-researched information that can stand on its own. That is why hiring the best copywriter is critical. A copywriter will be in charge of all of this important work for your firm.

Are All Copywriters a Content Marketers?

  Content marketers may work with some content creators, but not all content creators are content marketers. This is how it operates. Those who are referred to as "content creators" can work in a variety of fields. They could be writers, producers, or directors. They may also function as content marketers. Well, traditional copywriting is focused initially on boosting an item to rank up the Google results.

In short, a content marketer is a subset of a content creator. They might even dabble in other forms of creativity. When they write for you, however, their work educates a huge number of users. Letting them know they can rely on your franchise to provide dependable solutions.

Variety of Content Writing Offered by OBI Services

Types of Content Writing

If you want your firm to succeed in online marketing, creating engaging pieces for your viewers to click on should be your top priority. Your material will set your firm apart from others in the industry. It will also generate leads through clicking by driving relevant online traffic. One of the reasons content marketing is so effective is that it provides numerous options.

In terms of targeting and nurturing visitors into viewers. As they progress through the sales funnel, franchises tend to use various page pieces for the viewers to click on to meet their needs. Choosing the best content method is critical. Because it will grow all of your patron segments. So, here are the basic types of content from which to choose.

Blogs and Articles

Web, blog posts, and articles are some of the most common types of on-page materials. Which has a lot to offer your target audience when they are clicked on your page. Using the right keywords, this type of material can drive a lot of organic traffic to your website. While also informing viewers about your products, franchise, and industry expertise. You can create long-form material with this type of content. Which is a great way to match up with popular queries and searches online.

Having a blog and article section on your website is a great way to optimize your page and gain inbound links. This is extremely beneficial for SEO and traffic growth. So make sure to have great copywriting skills to ensure that everything is SEO friendly, specifically the title.

These types of online content enable writers to include multiple targeted keywords. Particularly long-tail keywords, in order to boost link ratings on the SERPs. Blog posts are frequently used to drive organic traffic. Just by creating material that is relevant to the common searches of their target users to click on.

Ebooks and Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are another popular type of piece. This is something you give to potential viewers in exchange for something they give you. You may let them view your title and a little bit of the content. If they wish to access your full material, for example. They must click on and enter their email address, which you can use to market to them. eBooks are an excellent lead magnet because they provide genuine value.

Your eBook provides valuable information to your viewers but should also have an SEO-friendly title. Copywriting lead magnets are a great way to establish your authority. And position yourself as a thought leader on the subject you've written about. Once completed, the eBook can be used all over the internet. To increase your email subscriber list and improve your reputation.

Creative Copy

Incorporating infographics, images, and videos is another excellent way. If you want to attract a huge number of viewers and potential clients. However, you will not post it exactly as it is. To ensure that it continues to drive traffic, you must include the right words in the sentences. It should contain keywords, especially the title. This is where the copywriting skills are usually tested.

Your title and headlines must also have the right keywords. Having the right keyword on your website page will help your page rank up in Google search results. Your headline should be engaging while also having the right keywords. And that is how creative copy works. It allows writers to express their creativity by coming up with creative captions. That will go with your franchise's infographics, images, or videos.

Aside from being a caption that goes with an infographic, image, or video. A description that comes with the product can also contain a creative copy. A description is an excellent opportunity to highlight your firm's product's capabilities and benefits. Description greatly aids your prospective customers' decision-making procedures. Your description should also have the right keywords needed to rank in Google search results.

Ad Copy

Ad copy is the type of material that entices your viewers to respond or act. Communication is crucial in the sales environment. Just like how important keywords are in Google ranking. Their purchasing decision will be influenced by how you respond to their inquiries. If you do not address their concern, they may not purchase your product or service. Or they may also post something negative on their social media accounts. However, communication is difficult, especially in a digital setting. This is where ad copy comes into play.

Ad copy functions as a sales letter, answering all of the customer's questions and possible objections. The title is very important for this one as it will immediately determine the piece's relevance to your patron's query. It also emphasizes the key features and benefits that the customer will receive if they make a purchase. It's similar to guiding your customers through the process while providing valuable insights. A good ad copy can greatly help persuade your clients. To purchase your product or service, make sure to hire someone with great copywriting skills.

Landing Page Copy

One of the most important aspects of your website is the landing page. It is a standalone web page that a potential customer will arrive at after clicking through from an email, ad, or other digital location. This page will act as your online salesperson so make sure to give an enticing title. Because it will speak to thousands of potential customers at the same time you will greatly need good copywriting skills.

A landing page is an excellent way to attract new customers. Because it is focused on a single goal or call to action, it converts more traffic. This provides the most important information about a particular product or service. It has limited navigation, which keeps visitors focused on the goal. Rather than being distracted by multiple links that take them away from the page.

These are just a few of the most common content types used by businesses to market their products and assistance. If you are looking to hire a content writer to do these jobs and more. Please contact us at OBI Services as we have a great team of content writers ready to assist you.

OBI Services' Expert Tips for Content Writing

Tips in Content Writing

Producing content is undeniably difficult. It takes a lot of work and research. It takes time as well. We understand the difficulties, which is why we've provided some pointers to make things a little easier.

Understand Your Objectives

The first tip is to become acquainted with your goals. When working on a material, be clear about your intention; do you want to share some advice? Can you explain something? or raise awareness These minor details will have a significant impact on the conciseness of your output.

Learn About Your Audience

The next step is to learn more about your target audience. Knowing your viewers allows you to make better decisions about what information to include. This also helps you decide how to organize the information being discussed. In addition, the type of supporting details will be required for the viewers to understand what you are presenting. It also has an impact on the tone and structure of the document.

Conduct your Research

If you are not an expert in the subject matter assigned to you. Make certain that you conduct research. This will not only provide you with a stance on the topic. But it will also provide you with important facts. As well as aspects of the topic that you will need to incorporate into the discussion. Avoid making claims that are not supported by proof or evidence. Because it will almost certainly have a negative impact on your firm.

Make an Eye-Catching Headline

The headline is the first thing your viewers will see. It will be their entry point to your article. As a result, it should be visually appealing. It should pique the patron's interest and arouse their curiosity. Aside from being eye-catching, a headline should clearly state the topic of the article.

Use the Proper Tone

The tone is another subtle but crucial aspect of publishing materials. Because it allows you to better relate to the emotions and needs of your viewers. In addition to their desires and interests. The more you can relate to them, the more engaged they will be with your material. Tone can help to connect the viewers and the writer. It can also serve as a link between the reader and the manufacturer. Simply by eliciting an emotional reaction from the reader.

Take Care of the Readability

Although few people are aware of it, readability is an important consideration when creating content. Aiming for high readability increases the likelihood or understanding. It ensures that your thoughts and ideas will be clearly understood by the reader. High readability reduces misunderstanding. And allows people to easily recognize the information you've shared without expending too much energy.

OBI Services' Content Writing Procedure

Content Writing Process

Publishing materials alone appears to be a lot of work. Aside from authoring, you will need to conduct research to ensure that you are grounded in facts. What else is there to say about SEO? You now have keywords to consider, readability to consider, and so on! Isn't it exhausting? But don't worry, OBI Services' expert content writers have shared these five simple steps. Aimed for creating high-quality, engaging content.

Create a Content Idea and Research Keywords

The first thing you should do is come up with a content idea. This suggestion should be beneficial to your firm. In terms of amplifying the voice and beliefs of your franchise. Also, when launching new products and assistance. Your new content should be able to emphasize the advantages. As well as the significance of your new product or service. You should be educating as well as promoting. Your content should also educate your readers. Who may become clients if they recognize the value of what you have to offer.

It is not enough to have a great content idea. Especially given the global competition. After you've decided on a topic, you should start looking for keywords. Using the right keywords will help your website rank higher in Google searches. Being at the top of search results will give your firm more exposure to a larger number of users. This case will assist you in establishing your reputation. As well as authority while also promoting your products and attracting new clients.

Conduct a SERP Analysis

Once you've decided on a topic and have your keywords in hand, it's time to move on to the next step. The next step is to conduct a SERP analysis. SERP stands for "Search Engine Results Page. " These are the pages that appear after submitting a Google search query. The process of examining the top-ranking websites in order to evaluate opportunities to rank. For relevant keywords and outranking your competitors is known as SERP analysis.

In a nutshell, it is the authoring stage of observation. By reviewing the top-ranking websites for specific keywords and searches. You can learn how those top-ranking pages got to the top of the rankings. And see how your content appears in searches.

Choose Your Article's Post Type, Angle, and Structure

Once you've completed the SERP analysis. Move on to making key decisions about the post you'll write. This includes determining the type of post, angle, and structure of your content. This will allow you to be more specific about how you want your content to be presented.

What kind of post are you going to write? A guide which is meant to walk through or guide your readers. On the things they need to know about the item or assistance you provide. Guide articles are beneficial especially if you are offering a new item. It will help your audience understand the item further. It can also be a how-to article, which is meant to guide your viewers on a step-by-step process. Is it educational? It is best to select a type that is widely used by other websites. You are thus satisfying both the search engines and the reader's queries.

When it comes to choosing an angle, keep in mind that, despite the similarities in type, the way you approach the topic should be different, better, or more useful to searchers than the existing results. When it comes to content structure, make sure to include all of the necessary subtopics in order to rank, weave in, and sell your item or service.

Create Unique Content

After you have completed all of the pre-authoring steps and have your structure ready, it is time to begin working on your content. Make certain that the author you hire to do this job for your firm is skilled and knowledgeable in your industry.

Having a professional author in your field ensures that you are providing excellent content to your readers. This increases the likelihood of them becoming clients. Great content is also useful for emphasizing the benefits of your items and assistance.

Polish Off Your Article with On-Page SEO

Once you've finished the first draft, you can use SEO tools to ensure that you're using the right and sufficient keywords. This stage necessitates skills and, on occasion, the need to find creative ways to incorporate keywords that don't quite fit in naturally.

This is where some marketing specialists will use keywords unnaturally or engage in "keyword stuffing," which reduces the quality of the content and turns off readers. Indeed, this is no longer an SEO-friendly strategy. Google's algorithm can detect this now, and we would advise against it.

Perks of hiring a content writer from OBI Services

Why Content Writing is Important for Your business?

Increases Brand Awareness

It takes time to introduce your business ideas, especially your items and assistance. People need time and exposure to appreciate your items. That is why you must publicize it. So that people can learn more about your item or service and determine its worth.

This is where the significance of posting can be emphasized. As a result of creating engaging and appealing content and posting it on various social channels, your potential clients will be reached. This will then create an impression of your market presence. Consistency in producing and publishing content can aid in the rapid development of brand awareness.

Start a Business

Consistently high-quality content makes a favorable impression on the viewers. This enables you to be active in your field and present your business ideas in a variety of formats and across multiple platforms. Regular content posting informs people about your firm's mission. It tells them what you do and how you can assist them. This increases the number of people's interest in your firm.

Assists with Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization aids in increasing brand rankings on Google. Your marketing is crippled without it. That is why your content should be fully optimized, with the appropriate keywords strategically placed throughout

Why Outsource Content Writing?

A solid marketing strategy is required to compete with the industry giant. This should entail a near-constant supply of high-quality, search-engine-optimized content. It may appear difficult to do it all if you are running your own website. No need to be concerned; outsourcing is a viable option.

Outsourcing content authors frees up your time so you can focus on other aspects of your business. Aside from that, hiring an outsourced content author costs less than hiring an in-house employee.

In addition, hiring a content author provides you with a new set of ideas and perspectives, which may give you the edge you need to attract a new patron.


Content writing is the process of planning, researching, producing, and editing web content. Content marketing is commonly used for digital marketing purposes. This greatly aids in the promotion of the firm. As a result of engaging content such as blogs, eBooks, creative and ad copy, and landing pages, the content produced attracts users. Also, if your output has the right keywords and is properly optimized it can top the Google ranking and reach wider users. If the content is well researched and well written, this patron has the potential to become a client of the franchise. Because it will increase their trust and knowledge of the item or service.

Although creating compelling and engaging content can be time-consuming, some of the tips we've provided will be extremely beneficial. When writing, you should clearly define your goals and get to know your readers. Conduct the necessary research and create an attention-grabbing headline. This headline will initially determine whether the piece that you have is worth reading or not. Make sure to convey the appropriate tone and be mindful of readability.

Following the five simple steps to writing will undoubtedly result in powerful content that rank in Google. The first step is to develop your content idea and search for keywords using different search engines. Then, conduct SERP analysis before deciding on the post type, angle, and structure. Then begin creating your content draft and optimizing it. Investing in content marketing raises brand awareness, establishes your firm's voice, and attracts a huge number of clients.


No article can adequately emphasize the significance of researching and content writing for your business. It is extremely beneficial in promoting your service and item. Although creating engaging content is difficult when you have a lot of other things to do in your firm. As it requires a lot of research, and search engine optimization to boost your page's Google ranking. Don't worry, OBI Services has your back!

  Instead of endlessly searching for freelancers who meet your requirements, OBI Services can provide you with expert content writers who best meet your requirements by providing you with relevant pieces. Our platform provides powerful tools and expert authors to improve the content procedure of any business.  

  We have skilled writers who can create specific, one-of-a-kind content formats for your firm's needs and then publish them to your websites immediately. Use our fully managed services to get publish-ready, on-brand content at any scale. Please send us a message if you require any additional information.  

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